Improve your immune system by cleansing your gut!

65%of our immune system is found in our GUT.

Through the colon hydrotherapy process, we clear out waste material that has become congesting and toxic. Cleaning the colon, on a consistent basis, has a huge impact on the health and wellness of your entire immune system---and not to forget to mention, your overall joy and happiness!

Putting a “gut health plan” in place you can improve your immune system to reduce or even reverse illnesses. 

Tips to help you stay on top of your gut health---in between colon hydrotherapy sessions.

  1. Hydrate with clean water on a consistent basis.

  2. Take a probiotic daily to assist in rebalancing your microbiome.

  3. Drink fresh-pressed green vegetable juice daily.

  4. Reduce or eliminate your intake of red meat, dairy, sugar, and gluten.

  5. Eat fermented and cultured foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, and fresh pickles. Not only do these foods contain probiotics, but they are also full of digestive enzymes, which can compensate for your stomach, liver, or gallbladder.

  6. Eat sprouted vegetables. Sprouted veggies contain dramatically increased amounts of enzymes.

  7. Eat radishes, artichokes, dandelion, and chicory. These foods and other bitter greens stimulate the liver to create bile.

  8. Eat demulcents to soothe irritated or inflamed tissues. I.e. almonds, barley, coconut oil, figs, parsley, prunes, and sage.

  9. Avoid alcohol and coffee. These substances can adversely affect your microbiome—the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut.

  10. Try ghee (clarified butter) which has been used in India for thousands of years to treat digestive problems. It can reduce inflammation and is high in gut-healing butyrate.

  11. Eat more fiber to help regulate your digestive tract and also acts as food for your good bacteria.

Armed with the right treatment and information about the triggers of disease or chronic ailments, there’s nothing to stop you from feeling better. Body Z(en) Alive is here to help you stay on course to build and maintain a stronger immune system and a healthier lifestyle!

Book your colon hydrotherapy session today!